Solas Studios Presents

Where Women Aren't As Free

A Solo Show By Alyssa Meadows


A powerful solo exhibition of reportage-style photography documenting artist-activist Alyssa Meadows' journey across the United States, chronicling the ongoing battle over the erosion of abortion & women's bodily autonomy.

About Alyssa Meadows

Alyssa grew up in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania and studied photography at University of Miami and Penn State University. Photography has been a deep-seated passion for years, and a supremely rewarding endeavor. Her body of work predominantly explores photojournalism, documentary, and reportage, often focusing on political issues from environmental concerns to the ramifications of rampant sexism in our society.

I really want people to get a much better idea of what it looks like on the ground at the clinics. You think you know what it’s like and then you actually see it.
— Alyssa Meadows interviewed for UP Magazine

About the Show

Alyssa Meadows / Where Women Aren't As Free

Solas Studio: 117 E 24th St, New York, NY

Viewing available by private appt

Opening Reception: Roe V. Wade Day - January 22nd, 6pm-9pm

Closing Reception: V Day - February 14th, 6pm-9pm